

2023-03-10 09:11:24


2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第77天 篇一

i. 重点词汇

1.sympathy  n.  同情,支持,赞同

2.substitute n.  代替品   vt,vi 代替

3.steep  adj 陡峭的, vt 浸泡

4.security n . 安全

5.scan   vt. 审视,浏览

6.sniff  vi 用鼻子吸

7.syndrome  n .综合病症

8.supplement   n.补充,附录,

ii. 重点短语

1.to one's satisfaction 令人满意

2.scare sb into doing 威胁某人做某事

3. settle  in  安顿下来

4.a shallow opinion  浅薄的看法

5. be sharp with sb  对某人严厉

6.  sit around 闲着

7. suck in knowledge 吸收知识

8. have sympathy for 同情

9.in sympathy with 赞成, 支持

10. a sense of security    安全感

11.substitute a for b 用a代替b

iii. 佳句赏析

1. the noise gave me a scare


2. their life stories filled  me with sympathy .


3. he scanned the letter before he signed it .

他把信浏览了一遍,然后签了字 。

4.we must substitute a new chair for the broken one .


iv. 词汇练习

1.out of ________ for the homeless children , he gave them shelter for the night .

a pity  b shame  c sympathy  d mercy

2 . the teacher allowed us 6 minutes to _____ the text through to get a general idea of th whole passage .

a discuss  b adapt  c pile  d scan

3.----- how about 8 o'clock outside the cinema

------ that ___ me fine

a fits   b meets  c satisfies  d suits

v. 短语练习

1.busy as they are , parents should __at least two hours every week to spend with theirchildren .

a set out  b set away  c set aside   d set of f

2.________ , all the students passed the entrance examination .

a much to the teacher 's satisfaction

b to the teacher's satisfaction

c much to the teacher's satisfactory

d to the teacher's great satisfactory


iv. 词汇练习  1-3  cdd

v. 短语练习  1-2  ca

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第77天 篇二

i. 重点词汇

1 buddhism  n  佛教

2 caption  n  标题, 题目

3 category  n  种类,类别

4 claim   n  vt  要求,主张

5  classical  adj 古典的,,典雅的

6  commercial adj   商业的   n  商业广告

7  competence  n  胜任,称职

8  competitive adj 有竞争力的

9  competent  adj 有能力的

10  complicated  adj 复杂的

ii. 重点短语

1  break  through  突破

2  bring back to life  使复生

3  by means of  用   办法,借助

4  call up  给  打电话

5  be cautious of  注意, 小心

6  in chorus of  异口同声地

7  a civil servant  公务员

8   claw one's way of 爬上

9   in competition with 与    竞争

10  claw hold of 抓紧,抓住

11  cast down 沮丧, 不愉快

iii. 佳句赏析

1 competitive people want to be the best at everything


2. without him , she would have won the competition .

没有他, 她绝不可能赢得这场比赛。

3. tony was just a very  complicated computer


4 the new plan was agreed with a chorus of approval .


5 our soldiers quickly broke through the enemy's defence works .


iv. 词汇练习

1  scientists have made a ___ in the search for a cure for cancer .

a expectation   b  breakthrough  c  regulation  d produce

v. 短语练习

1  but by no means ____ with my progress .

a the teacher is not satisfied   b is the teacher not satisfied

c  the teacher is satisfied    d is the teacher satisfied

2  john was___ to learn the news that he was rejected by the committee.

a  cast  down  b  cast off  c cast  about   d cast away

3 the city was badly destroyed by an earthquake , and it took years to ______ .

a take everything back to life    b  take everything back to live

c bring everything back to life    d bring everything back to live


iv. 词汇练习   b

v. 短语练习   dac

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第77天 篇三

i. 重点单词

1. flee v.逃跑

2. fortnight n.两周

3. govern vt.控制

4. graduation n.毕业

5. gray adj.灰白的

6. handy adj.近便的

7. hearing n.听力

8. hopeful adj.有希望的

9. imagination n.想象

10. idiom n.习语,成语

11. household n&adj家庭;家用的

12. haircut n.理发

13. grand adj.伟大的

14. framework n.构架,体系

ii. 重点短语

1. graduate from college大学毕业

2. be handy with善于

3. hear from收到。来信

4. help sb out帮助摆脱困境

5. go hiking远足

6. in need需要

7. in many ways在很多方面

8. in other words换句话说

9. in a word总之

10. in all共计

iii. 佳句赏析

1. your performance in the driving test didn;t reach the required standard----in other words, you failed.

2. chance usually governs the out ocme of the game.

3. beethoven lost his hearing, yet continued to write great music.

4. it worred her a bit that her hair was turning grey.

5. he has not been heard from for a long time.

iv. 词汇练习

1. the family f_______ the burning house quickly.

2. on the g________ day, students will have pictures taken in caps and gowns.

3. have you got your id card h________ ?

4. soon shockleton set out the f_________ for our life here.

5. tony had a new h________ and changed the makeup he wore.

6. my aunt's coming in a f__________.

7. the country finally gained independence after being g________ by the british for so many years.

8. grandmother's h_______ is getting worse. she needs a hearing aid.

9. i___________ is more important than knowledge---albert einstein

10. london has many g_______ buildings.

v. 短语练习

1. the children talked so loudly at dinner table that i had to struggle __________.

a to be heard   b to have heard   c hearing   d being heard

2. if you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would _____.

a cut   b help  c serve   d last

3. --- look! he is running so fast!

--- hard to _______ his legs were once broken.

a know        b imagine       c realize        d find

4. the athlete showed his thanks to many people, to his parents _____ after winnning the match.

a in a word   b in other words   c in all   d in particular

5. mr.smith has been away from home for a long time .he is looking forward to_____his wife.

a.hear from       b hearing from       c hear of        d hearing of


iv.1 fled      2 graduation  3 handy    4 framework    5 haircut

6 fortnight   7 governed   8 hearing   9 imagination   10 grand

v. abbdb

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第77天 篇四

i. 重点词汇

1. inspect      vt. 检查;视察

2. intelligence   n. 智力;聪明;智能    intelligent   adj. 智能的;聪明的

3. logically     adv. 逻辑上;合逻辑地;有理性地

4. maid        n.少女;女仆

5. medal       n. 奖章;勋章;纪念章

6. metal       n. 金属

7. mascot      n. 吉祥物

8. mercy       n. [u]怜悯;宽恕;仁慈

9. mobile      adj. 移动式的,流动的;易变的,多变的

10. mop       n. 拖把 vt. 用拖把拖;擦

11. motto      n.座右铭;格言;警句

ii. 重点短语

1. invite sb. to do sth.   邀请某人做某事

2. burst into laughter    放声大笑

3. less than    少于

4. even less    更不用说,更谈不上

5. no less …than  正如

6. at a loss     感到迷惑;不知所措

7. at the mercy of     完全受……支配;任凭……摆布

8. have mercy on/upon   对……表示怜悯

iii. 佳句赏析

1. the little ship was at the mercy of the storm.


2. specialism is the means for advancement in our mobile social structure;


3. we should not be at a loss in the face of such a simple question.


iv. 词汇练习

1. the customs officer ________ (检查)my passport suspiciously.

2. john showed high _________(天赋)from an early age.

3. he was awarded a m______ for bravery.

4. she appealed to the judge to have_______(宽恕)on her husband.

5. the olympic ________(格言)is “swifter, higher, stronger”。

v. 短语练习

1. he was at a ________ what to say to the teacher’s question- obviously he was ________ in thought just now.

a. loss; losing   b. loss; lost   c. losing; lost   d. lost; loss

2. she is a kind- hearted woman and often has _______ mercy ________ people who are in trouble.

a. a; on    b. 不填; on    c. a; to    d. 不填; to

3. when i told the joke everyone burst into _________.

a. laughter   b. laugh   c. laughing   d. laughters



1. checked   2. talent/ gift  3. medal  4. mercy  5. motto


1. b   2. b   3. a

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第77天 篇五

i. 重点单词

1.recycle  vt回收利用

2. reject  vt.拒绝

3. represent  v.作为….代表,象征

4. representative adj.有代表性的n.代表,代理人

5. responsible  adj.认真负责的

6. responsibility n.责任,职责,任务

7. revolutionary  n.革命的

8.safety n.安全

9.sceptical  adj.怀疑的

10. sensitive  adj.敏感的

ii. 重点短语

1. 把…描绘成 represent ….. as

2. …..的典型,….的特点  be representative of

3. 对…负责 be responsible for / take responsibility for

4. 不会遭到….的危险 be safe from          安然无恙地safe and sound

5. 安全地    in safety      决不  in no sense    在….某种意义上  in a sense

讲得通,有意义 make sense        幽默/方向感  a sense of humor/ direction

6. 对….敏感 be sensitive to

7. 与…达成和平协议 come to a peace settlement with

舒服地坐下,定居,安顿下来settle down

8. 以….的速度 at a speed of    加快…的速度  speed up  以全速with all speed

iii. 佳句赏析

1. 玫瑰是英国的象征。 the rose represents england .

2. 谁该为这起事故负责?

who should be responsible for the accident?

3. 无论如何这个问题都不能说已经解决了。

in no sense can the issue be said to have been solved.

4. 为了不损害孩子的健康,我戒烟了。

i stopped smoking so as not to damage my baby’s health.


so loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.


1. he is a people’s         (代表)

2. i’m three years       (年长) to you.

3. the car soon         (加速) up .

4. i’m          (怀疑) of / about  the team’s chances of winning.

5.he tried to join the army but was           (拒绝).

v. 短语练习(单项选择)

1. all these gifts must be mailed immediately         in time for christmas.

a. in order to have received                b. in order to receive

c. so as to be received                    d. so as to be receiving

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第77天 篇六


1.bite  v. 叮;咬;刺痛

2.broadcast  n&v. 广播;播放

3.calculate  vt. 计算;估计

4.cash  n. 现金,现钞  vt. 把……兑现

5.character  n. 人物;性格;特征;汉字

6.charge  n负责,费用 v.承担;收费;指控

7.classical  adj. 古典的;传统的

8.coach  n&v. 教练

9.compete  v. 比赛,竞争

adj. 自信的;有信心的

vt. 包含;容纳;克制

12.deabte  v&n. 辩论,争论

13.decorate  vt. 装饰;装修

14.decrease  v&n. 减小,减少

15.deserve  v. 应收惩罚;值得

16.devotion  n. 投入;热爱


1.关系破裂  break up              垮掉;崩溃  break down

2.简言之  in brief

3.形成;产生  come into being

4.用现金支付  pay in cash          用支票付款  pay by cheque

5.确定/确保  make sure/certain      很确定……  it is certain that…

6.与某人竞争  in competition with sb

7.做买卖;处理;论述;涉及  deal with

8.用……装饰  be decorated with

9.在减少中  on the decrease



many chinese characters tell very interesting stories.


we are hopefully confident that we can overcome the difficulties.


what he suggested deserved consideration


it is certain that you’ll make rapid progress when you have found the correct ways of learning english.


they do not know how this world came into being.


we all know that, if not carefully dealt with, the situation will get worse.


deal with a man as he deals with you.


1.they are in c________ with each other for the prize.

2.make c______/sure that you know what time the train leaves.

3.hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. it may also be good for c_______ building.

4.this hotel c______ $ 60 for a single room with bath.

5.would you please keep silent? the weather report _____ and i want to listen.

a.is broadcast      b.is being broadcast     c.has been broadcast   d.had been broadcast


1.her poems often ______ ____(涉及) the subject of death.

2.the poor mother ______ _____(崩溃) and wept when she heard the news that her son had been kidnapped.

3.i’m surprised to hear that sue and paul have _____ ___(分手).

4.the hall ___ _______ ___(用……装饰) flowers.

5.with the world changing fast, we have something new _____ with all by ourselves every day.

a.deal        b.dealt       c.to deal       d.dealing



1.competition   2. certain  3. character  4. charges  5. b


1. deal with  2. broke down  3. broken up  4. is decorated with  5. c

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第77天 篇七

i. 重点词汇

approval n. 批准;认可

arrogant adj. 傲慢的

assess vt.估计;评估

auditory adj.听的;听觉的

author n.  作家

ballet n.芭蕾舞

banjo n.班卓琴

bargain n.交易;

battle n.战斗

bedding n.被褥

bench n. 坐板

beneath prep.在。。。的下方

bent adj.弯曲的

blacken v.(使)变黑

blast n.一阵(风)

bless vt.保佑

block n.块; 片

bomb n./vt./vi.炸弹;轰炸

bonus n.红利;奖金

booklet n.小册子

ii. 重点短语

1. at full length/ at length详尽地;全身平伸地/最后;详尽地

2. make/beat a bargain with 和。。。做交易

3. settle/close/conduct/strike a bargain 成交;达成协议

4. make a bad bargain做了一笔不划算的生意

5. bargain with sb. about/ over the price与某人讲价

6. bargain a price down 通过讨价还价压低价格

7. give battle to向。。。挑战

8. in battle在战斗中

iii. 佳句赏析

1. at length, we began to understand what he wanted.

2. they battle with/ against the winds and waves.

3. the village was situated beneath a wooded hill.

4. my glasses are bent because i left them on my bed and then sat on them.

5. god blessed him with good health.

6. you may find you have more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus.

iv. 词汇练习

1. they      (估计)the damage at 1,000 dollars.

2. this painting is a       (便宜货).

3. the airforce       (轰炸)two towns.

4. the workers got a christmas        (奖金).

v. 短语练习

1. parents are         the first teachers of children.

a. beyond question    b. in question     c. out of question    d. an open question

2. accustomed to        the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.

a. climbing   b. climb    c. having climbed    d. have climbed

3. he failed to supply the facts relevant        the case in question.

a. for    b. with    c. to   d. of

4. some people like to do shopping on sunday since they expect to pick up    in the market.

a. batteries    b. bargains    c. baskets    d. barrels

iv. 1.assessed 2. bargain 3. bombed 4. bonus

v. 1.a 2.a 3.c 4.b



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